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Beringer e Lehmann gestiscono una piattaforma che, utilizzando l’intelligenza artificiale, aiuta le aziende a migliorare la comunicazione con i clienti tramite voce e testo. Attraverso i suoi algoritmi di apprendimento automatico pre-addestrati, il sistema può automatizzare risposte e processi e suggerire risposte agli agenti. L’azienda con sede a Monaco ha più di 50 dipendenti e ha raccolto 9 milioni di dollari.

Da: https://e-bot7.com

Speed, passion and drive are the basis of our DNA.
We improve the efficiency of Customer Service by integrating Artificial Intelligence throughout various channels. The AI supports employees and automates answers & processes. This drastically reduces costs and increases revenues.
The e-bot7 system is based on complex NLP algorithms, which are trained on historical customer scripts. The NLP is constantly optimised during operational use so that each and every inquiry can be processed more efficiently. The Agent + AI hybrid model ensures that no wrong answers are sent to customers and both the satisfaction of customers and employees is increased.